Thursday, March 15, 2007


Okay I’ve been thinking a lot about 2541 (no not in that way you freak) and I’ve decided I want to make him cuter so now he also has doggy ears. Isn’t that just so kawaii? I’ve also given him red cat eyes so that he intimidate people even more so. Also lately I have been having a little more fun when drawing 2541 and making some slightly comedic pictures, just to piss him off you know? I find it just makes him even more cute. So here are my two latest pictures of him. The second one annoys me a bit though because I drew his face too triangular.

Here is another drawing of him, however this is one my girlfriend drew (wow I have fanart already ^.^) from my description of him. We were just talking about him and thinking over what we could add to him, which is why his newest additions are only in her drawing and not mine. These are his little black glove on his left hand and the tattooed runes on his right forearm.

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