Thursday, April 12, 2007

Good little warrior, say goodbye now

Sadly, today is my last post. However, I have worked really hard on this last piece. The only shame is that you can see work coming through from the other side of the paper. Looking at this drawing next to my first one really makes me realise how much better I’ve got. I’m so hugely proud of this one I could leap right up into space. But I won’t because the lack of air and other physical factors would make me explode and I don’t want to do that right now.

My idea for this drawing was for him to be standing very proudly in the middle of a large field that is littered with mangled corpses and flowing red with blood. So kawaii. ^.^ Unfortunately I’m not skilled enough to even attempt to do a background like that so I have simply drawn him. I’ve finally managed to get several things right all in one drawing which is brilliant. The shape of both his head and hair (note the shading) are good; the body proportions are correct; his wings are pretty good; I managed to draw folds that look good in his shirt along with some tears and blood trickles; and his legs and feet aren’t too bad. So there is much happiness and jumping up and down. I guess like they say practice really does make perfect.

On a last and final note here is something really cool. This man is so amazing he has made this model of Gundam entirely out of paper. Be amazed.

Monday, April 9, 2007

Beware the attitude

Today’s drawing is simply of 2541’s head as I was focusing on trying to improve my drawing of it, especially the hair. I’m fairly happy with the result. I tried drawing a lot more hair this time and it really improves it. Having more hair at the back gives the drawing more depth and detail. His face is slightly more cartoon-like as I drew his eyebrows as triangles, which I feel works quite well. I also used a far more anime style for the outlining shape of his eyes. All of this plus the kink in one of his ears I feel gives him more attitude and character. The only thing I feel it lacks is a little shading, especially for his hair. Once more gomen nasai for the short post.

Thursday, April 5, 2007

Fallen angel

This drawing is in much the same context as the one in the post ‘2541 remembers’, again he seems to be very upset and this time is actually crying. The knife has blood on it but whether it is his or someone else’s I will leave up to you; it could be either one. With him in this pose I imagine him to have fallen to his knees in shock and grief. Even I am curious what he has done to be in this state.

Well his wings are back to how I like them best. They match the feelings of this drawing, as does his limp hair. However, his hands are way too small again. I tried to make his toes look bent like they should but they still don’t look quite right to me, and neither does his head. His wings are definitely what I am most proud of here.

Monday, April 2, 2007

Fun fun fun

Now this drawing was a lot of fun. I went a little over the top with the number of weapons (11 I believe) but I swear it was all his idea. 2541 was enjoying himself slaughtering people whilst playing with his favourite toys. This drawing is obviously from when he was still in the army: note the military jacket (which even has a cut out bit so that the whole of his barcode shows), combat trousers, military boots, and assault rifle (apologies for my terrible drawings of guns).

I’m actually pretty proud of and very happy with this drawing. The shape of his face isn’t actually too bad; I’m very happy with his hair though it could do with some shading; and his wings are good except I wish I’d made them raggedy up the sides as well. I’ve always been intrigued by the roughly drawn bandages people put on their characters so I had a go at drawing one on 2541 even though he won’t need it for very long at all with those wonderful healing powers, unfortunately I think I carried it on a little too long.